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I am looking to subtract two column values from a given table row in a table that may have multiple rows

asked on February 19, 2019

My goal is for each possible row, to take "The Good" pcs value and subtract from that the "Total value" and get the difference as a percentage displayed in the "Difference" table.

I was able to use rules to accomplish some of this when there was only (1) row.  I evidently need to parse rows if there are more than (1). 


I was thinking of adding a second table that would populate each row that had a 11% or greater value in the Difference column.  That row would include a signature field.  Can anyone help please?


Thank you

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replied on February 19, 2019

I'm not exactly clear on what you need, but it looks like you already have your calculations working on the indexed row values.

If that is the case and you just need a field rule to hide/show the signature, then you could create a hidden field that uses the COUNTIF function like so


Then, in your field rule, check if the hidden field value is greater than 0

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replied on February 19, 2019

I don't actually.  I mocked up that image to show what I'm trying to achieve.  Sorry I confused the issue.

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replied on February 19, 2019

Okay, so to get a specific row, you would use the INDEX and ROW functions

For example


references the target column for the current row.

In your calculation, put each column variable in its own INDEX function and the ROW function will automatically target the variable for the current row.

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