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Feature Request - File size of search results

asked on February 18, 2019 Show version history

Hi All,


I know it's possible to calculate file sizes of folders in Laserfiche, what would be useful is the ability to see the windows file size of all entries returned in a search. This is useful when re-organising volumes.


Is there an 'out of the box' way to do this already that I'm missing?


Edit - I can see there is a 'Total Document Size' column which can be docked, so suppose I could export this to excel and add the column up. However looking into this, this also isn't possible as it gives the sizes in different formats in the column (KB, MB and GB). So can't use this approach either.



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replied on February 22, 2019

If you export to CSV or Excel, you can use the following formula to convert to Bytes

=IF(ISBLANK(C2),0,LEFT(C2,FIND(" ",C2))*1024^LOOKUP(RIGHT(C2,2),{"GB","KB","MB"},{3,1,2}))

Place this formula in the first empty column in the top row of data (should be row 2). Change C2 to the cell that has your file size.  Select this cell and below down to the last row of data and then use Ctrl + D for "Fill Down".

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replied on February 22, 2019

Thanks Bert, very helpful.


Although I still insist this should be 'out of the box' functionality. frown

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replied on February 22, 2019

Then to get a rough rounded conversion back to KB, MB, GB you can use

=IF(SUM(D2:D197)<-999500000000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##.#0,,,"" TB"""),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<-9995000000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##.#0,,,"" GB"""),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<-9995000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0,,"" MB"""),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<-9995,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0,"" KB"""),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<-1000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0"" B """),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<0,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0"" B """),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<1000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0"" B """),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<999500,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0,"" KB"""),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<999500000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##0,,"" MB"""),IF(SUM(D2:D197)<999500000000,TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##.#0,,,"" GB"""),TEXT(SUM(D2:D197),"#,##.#0,,,,"" TB""")))))))))))

Use notepad to find and replace the D2:D197 cell range with your corresponding range of "Total Bytes" cells.

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replied on April 29, 2019

I am working on this with our vendor as well. We need the file size for every record to be recorded in Audit Trail for Records Management reporting. This is not something Laserfiche does right now. It is holding us back from implementing RME at this time.


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replied on April 29, 2019

Hi Cameron,

Would love to hear more about how this is needed as a blocker for implementing records management. It's not a particular item I've encountered before. Thanks!

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replied on April 29, 2019

Good Afternoon Justin -

When reporting the destruction of records in the state of VA, it is required to report the size of the records that have been destroyed. With that destruction, we as the locality need our records management program to house that records size for future audit purposes to support what has been recorded on the RM3 (Destruction form for the state of VA). There are round about ways of doing this, such as logging the file size through Workflow into a Laserfiche Field, but this can only be done before the record has been Cut-Off, meaning any changes throughout the cutoff lifecycle would require the business process be run again, leaving a large margin of error to occur. We have toyed with excel spreadsheets and search results downloaded into Excel spreadsheets, but the effort it will take on a user is cumbersome, especially when a program such as Audit Trail could make the process much more efficient. Maybe there is something we are overlooking? We are continuing to work on solutions to simplify this need, but have not found something that made implementation for enterprise use easy for all.

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replied on April 29, 2019 Show version history

PS: As for recording the size of a record, the Calculate File Size option is great. However, there are minor byte differences on what the file size is through here and what we generate through the display colum Total Document Size. I understand this occures, but I personally would like as few discrepancies as possible when an auditor is looking through our system. We are looking at having our Department Records Coordinators using the Calculate Size option through Laserfiche, but whatever reporting tool we use, needs to match what that tool shows as well. Sorry, been working on this a while.

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replied on February 22, 2019


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replied on March 11, 2019


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