Our users frequently want to print Laserfiche Forms they have completed from their Inbox>Completed Task area. The browser tries to print the entire webpage with the form and the action history right-hand sidebar and it looks pretty ugly. In a future release can we get a download form to PDF button or a way to just print the form?
We have a need to print an actual copy of the Form from action history of a task that has been completed at various times throughout the process. We would like the form to look similar to the way it does when you download or when it is emailed after submission. Printing from the browser does not work for what we need. See attached.
You should modify the css file on the site. If you use the media print feature you can control what prints. https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_mediaquery.asp
I added the link to w3 schools.
This can be done post submission. In the Message Start Event under the Process Modeler, open the Thank You Message and make sure you have Download Form submitted. This will allow your users to download the submitted form to PDF immediately after submission. (Please reference screenshots). I typically always have the process email the submitted copy anyways. If they are wanting to print post submission, days later... May be a pretty cool feature release.
Print form from user task was added as out of box feature since Forms 10.4.1