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Forms Calculation Error-Multiplying fields in a row

asked on January 30, 2019

I am getting an error when attempting to multiply two fields in a table. The formula I am using is =MULT(INDEX(Item.Cost_1,ROW()),INDEX(Item.Quantity_1,ROW()))

It seems to be functioning properly as the totals are coming out correct, but I am still getting the error message as I am filling out the form.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


We are on Forms v.

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replied on January 30, 2019

I believe MULT expects non-null inputs so when you have the calculation with two blanks in that row, the calculation is erroring out. You could set the defaults for cost and quantity to 0 which should work. You could also try using the PRODUCT() function which may be more error tolerant to blank values. 

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replied on January 30, 2019 Show version history

What I do in these situations is wrap the math function in an IF function.

For example,

IF(AND(INDEX(Table.Column1<>"",ROW()),INDEX(Table.Column2<>"",ROW())),{math function},"")

That way it doesn't attempt to calculate anything for empty columns.

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