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Inline-block Formatting

posted on January 16, 2019



I'm trying to format some fields using inline-block. What I have are a line with a field, an html text element and then another field. Below that I have the same thing repeated. When I use the inline-block in my CSS it's combining the two lines. The CSS is:

#q1, #q2, #q3 {display:inline-block;}
#q1 {width: 150px;}
#q1 {width: 150px;}
#q2 {width: 80px;}
#q3 {width: 150px;}
#q3 {width: 150px;}

#q4, #q5, #q6 {display:inline-block;}
#q4 {width: 150px;}
#q4 {width: 150px;}
#q5 {width: 80px;}
#q6 {width: 150px;}
#q6 {width: 150px;}

The result looks like this:

What type of break do I need between Fields 2 and 3 (#q3 & #q4) to have them on separate lines?

If I use </br> I get this:

If I use \A I get this:

I'm sure it's something simple that I'm missing, and my current CSS knowledge is weak at best.




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replied on January 31, 2021

Did you ever find a solution to this?

I'm having the same issue, and playing with the CSS is driving me batty.

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