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How to trigger Workflow after generate page completed?

asked on December 11, 2018


I need to trigger a Workflow after generate page completed.

The idea is , I need to add a text annotation to every page [left top]. And because generating pages removes annotations , I need to repeat this every time.

Thank you.

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replied on December 11, 2018

Try the entry changed event. It will tell you when changes have been made to an existing entry.

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replied on December 11, 2018

Thanks Devin,

But, this will trigger workflow when any change occurred (template change , fields  data , annotations ,..)


I'm looking for generatePage completion event.


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replied on December 11, 2018

It's not possible to only trigger a workflow on that specific of an event. Are there other criteria that you can apply after the workflow has started to be able to determine if you have the right documents? Is there a specific combination of path, template, and field that would help?

What about how the page generation happens? Is it kicked off by a user, in a particular location, after they've done some other action that might be detectable?

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replied on December 11, 2018

I haven't tried this out personally, but if you did use the Entry changed starting rule like Devin suggested, would this condition work?

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replied on December 11, 2018 Show version history

That's a good addition. You'd still have to make sure that you restrict it in some other way, but nice catch.

They key here is if OP can elaborate on the scenario.

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replied on December 11, 2018

Page count might not work if the pages are being re-generated. It's still a good condition to have, but it might also trigger on other changes made after the document has pages.

If the annotation has some static text, I'd try adding a "Document:Annotation text does not contain "x"" condition as well to try to narrow the changes to the events right after the pages are replaced.

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replied on December 11, 2018

Thank you Miruna,

But the annotation text is a field value. so it's dynamic for each entry.

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replied on December 11, 2018

If you have Advanced Audit Trail, you can use the tag watermarks feature so you won't have to reapply the annotation every times pages are regenerated.

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