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Weblink welcome page logo will not change

asked on December 3, 2018



When I went to change the logo in WebLink it will only display a little black X. I've tried different sizes of logos and file formats. Any help is appreciated.





WebLink logo issue.PNG
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replied on December 3, 2018

I've encountered similar issues (not sure if it is a bug or not).

Try the following:

  1. Reset the images to the defaults and save the changes
  2. Close the designer
  3. Open the designer back up and try uploading the image again
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replied on December 4, 2018

Thanks, Jason. That worked like a charm, much appreciated. 

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replied on December 6, 2018

Im having this same problem but doing that didnt fix it. Any other suggestions? Which browser should I use? Any help appreciated!

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replied on December 6, 2018

I typically use IE directly on the server. Sometimes it does take me a couple of tries, and make sure the browser is completely closed before you retry.

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