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Microsoft Edge and Forms

asked on November 20, 2018 Show version history

Using Forms (Ver. and Microsoft Edge (Ver. 42.17134.1.0) and having an issue where the drag-and drop feature is not working on File Upload. Works fine on IE.

Also, I have a form that has a pop-up to open the attachments:

I do not get this pop-up when another user submits, then the form comes to me. I try to open it and I don't get the pop-up!. This does work when I submit the form myself (I have it set to open the form if the task is going to the same person). It also works fine in IE.

Anyone else have these issues?

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replied on November 20, 2018

OK, just had a discussion with my VAR and the drag-and-drop feature DOES work with Edge … it just doesn't behave the same way which is why I thought it didn't work. I expected the upload button to turn into a big gray box like it does for IE. Once I let go of the item I was dragging, it did upload.

For the other issue I'm having (opening the file on task open), I believe it's because my default PDF application has changed from Acrobat Pro to Acrobat Reader. I've put in a Help Desk ticket within my company to see if that can be fixed and if it solves my second issue above. I'll keep you posted!

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