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LF Scanning Universal Capture with software rotate causes OCR to fail

asked on November 5, 2018

I have a customer that does a lot of scanning using Universal Capture.  They have the Auto Rotate process and the OCR process added and after upgrading to LF10.3.x client and scanning, the OCR stopped working (no errors, but no text generated either).  Through a lot of time troubleshooting the issue, we have found that if we remove the Auto Rotate, the OCR works as expected.  I have tested this on my test machine with the same results.

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replied on November 5, 2018

Hi Bert, 

Thanks for your post. This is a known bug (#73455) in Scanning 10.3 where processes immediately after the rotate process can silently fail to run. This bug is scheduled to be fixed in the next release.

As a workaround in the meantime, you could set the auto-rotate option within the OCR process itself and then swap the order of processes so that OCR runs before rotate. 

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replied on November 5, 2018

Thanks for the information.

I did some additional testing and added a Despeckle in between the Rotate and the OCR and then the OCR worked.  I am guessing that the Despeckle is a less resource intense process than the OCR Autorotate, so I am not a big fan of having 2 Autorotate processes turned on in the same process.  And if I am not already running the Despeckle, I do not care if it fails.

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