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How to make a loop and a switch between 2 users?

asked on November 2, 2018

Hi all,

I wish to make a form like Laserfiche Support Case.

The user 1 (customer) ask something using the Web Form, then we should reply him using the same Web Form and in our part, we need to see his comment.

Until we didn't close the ticket, the discussions will still open.


Someone have something like that to share?

Thanks in advance.



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replied on November 2, 2018 Show version history

The only thing I could think of to continue to store data would be to use a collection with a multi-line field within.

You could add as many fields as needed while the discussion continues, as well as embed a possible upload field for any images and documents needed to help with troubleshooting.

If it was a Public form, you may need to at submission use the submission ID to create database rows of stored data and email that ID to the submitter.

They could then validate themselves with some 2-step verification and also that ID to populate the information and make their new submission which would update the tables accordingly. (I also would hide the submit button completely until validated)

If they are licensed it would be much simpler as you can just pass back and forth like you have shown.

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replied on November 2, 2018

Hi Chase,


Thanks for your participation.

I had this idea before but the next user can modify what the previous user wrote.

I should to put the previous comment in read-only before.

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replied on November 4, 2018

Hi Olivier

Following up on Chase's comments, separate the "new comment's" piece from the "Historical" responses, this way you will know who submitted the note at submission and you can add that to the DB entry to be displayed when you return those comments to the "Historical" Table which contains all of the previous comments.

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