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Workflow to Export Document to Windows Folder

posted on October 17, 2018 Show version history

There have been a lot of questions about using a workflow to export Document(s) to a Windows folder.  I will show a script that will handle almost any export need.  It has a lot of checks built into functions, so it may look a little complicated, but I find that building in smaller functions and calling into them makes it easier to both develop and trouble shoot.

The Workflow I will show runs a search for documents and then loops through each found Document and exports it.  Here is the Flow:

You can see that in the Assign Token activity, I have a token to specify to export image documents as PDF and another token to specify the windows destination folder.

Use a SDK Script activity and set the Script Language to C# .net and the Script's Default Entry to the For Each Entry - Current Entry.  Then open the script editor and add a reference to the Laserfiche.DocumentServices and the corresponding "using" statement.

Then here is the whole of the script that I am starting with:

        protected override void Execute()
            // Write your code here. The BoundEntryInfo property will access the entry, RASession will get the Repository Access session
                // Get Setting for Exporting Image Documents
                String sImageToPDF = (String)GetTokenValue("ExportImagesAsPDF");
                // Get Path to Windows Folder for Exports
                String exportFolder = (String)GetTokenValue("DestinationPath");
                // Ensure the Destination folder exists
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(exportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                    // Create missing folder(s)
                // Only Export Documents
                if (IsEntryDocument(BoundEntryInfo))
                    // Get DocumentInfo object
                    using (DocumentInfo doc = (DocumentInfo)BoundEntryInfo)
                        if (IsElectronicDocument(doc)) // Check if it is an electronic document
                            // Export the electronic Portion of the document
                            ExportElectronic(doc, exportFolder);
                        else if (HasImagePages(doc)) // Check for Image pages
                            if (sImageToPDF.ToLower() == "true")
                                // Export images to PDF
                                ExportImageDocumentToPDF(doc, exportFolder);
                                // Export images to TIFF
                                ExportImageDocument(doc, exportFolder);
                            if (HasText(doc)) // if it has Text
                                // Export text file
                                ExportTextDocument(doc, exportFolder);
                                ExportEmptyDocument(doc, exportFolder);
            catch (Exception ex)


        private void ExportEmptyDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                String exportPath= System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, LFDoc.Name);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportTextDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                String sTxt = null;
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                String exportPath= System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, LFDoc.Name + ".txt");
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        if (PI.HasText)
                            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = PI.ReadTextPagePart())
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTxt))
                                    sTxt = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                    sTxt = sTxt + Environment.NewLine + reader.ReadToEnd();
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(exportPath))
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportImageDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                docExporter.PageFormat = DocumentPageFormat.Tiff;
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, LFDoc.Name + ".tiff");
                docExporter.ExportPages(LFDoc, GetImagePageSet(LFDoc), exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportImageDocumentToPDF(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, LFDoc.Name + ".pdf");
                docExporter.ExportPdf(LFDoc, GetImagePageSet(LFDoc), PdfExportOptions.None, exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportElectronic(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, LFDoc.Name + "." + LFDoc.Extension);
                docExporter.ExportElecDoc(LFDoc, exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private PageSet GetImagePageSet(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            PageSet psReturn = new PageSet();
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = (PageInfoReader)LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        using (LaserficheReadStream lrs = PI.ReadPagePart(new PagePart()))
                            if (lrs.Length > 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                psReturn = new PageSet();
            return psReturn;

        private Boolean HasText(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        if (PI.HasText)
                            bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private Boolean HasImagePages(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        using (LaserficheReadStream lrs = PI.ReadPagePart(new PagePart()))
                            if (lrs.Length > 0)
                                bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private Boolean IsElectronicDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                bReturn = LFDoc.IsElectronicDocument;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private Boolean IsEntryDocument(EntryInfo LFEnt)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                if (LFEnt.EntryType == EntryType.Document)
                    bReturn = true;
                    bReturn = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

Please feel free to reply with any improvements you might have.

17 0
replied on February 3

Please excuse any ignorance, but this is my first time trying to do script for Workflow. I implemented the code above and, after referencing the different things that could go wrong and correcting for them, everything about it seems to be running fine. I have output several variables throughout the process and everything checks out. The problem is that the file never actually gets transferred. I receive no error or warning messages, nor anything that suggests a problem. I know that the code is running up to and past the point where the transfer should happen. I've tried many different file types, but now I'm just focusing on tiff files until I can get those to go through. Here is the full code that I used along with the tokens and settings:

namespace WorkflowActivity.Scripting.ScripttomovecopiestoWindowsfolder
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Text;
    using Laserfiche.RepositoryAccess;
    using Laserfiche.DocumentServices;

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides one or more methods that can be run when the workflow scripting activity is performed.
    /// </summary>
    public class Script1 : RAScriptClass110
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is run when the activity is performed.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Execute()
            // Write your code here. The BoundEntryInfo property will access the entry, RASession will get the Repository Access session
                // Get Setting for Exporting Image Documents
                String sImageToPDF = (String)GetTokenValue("ExportDocToWindows");
                // Get Path to Windows Folder for Exports
                String exportFolder = (String)GetTokenValue("PreparersFolderPath");
                // Ensure the Destination folder exists
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(exportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                    // Create missing folder(s)
                // Only Export Documents
                if (IsEntryDocument(BoundEntryInfo))
                    // Get DocumentInfo object
                    using (DocumentInfo doc = (DocumentInfo)BoundEntryInfo)
                        if (IsElectronicDocument(doc)) // Check if it is an electronic document
                            // Export the electronic Portion of the document
                            ExportElectronic(doc, exportFolder);
                        else if (HasImagePages(doc)) // Check for Image pages
                            if (sImageToPDF.ToLower() == "true")
                                // Export images to PDF
                                ExportImageDocumentToPDF(doc, exportFolder);
                                // Export images to TIFF
                                ExportImageDocument(doc, exportFolder);
                            if (HasText(doc)) // if it has Text
                                // Export text file
                                ExportTextDocument(doc, exportFolder);
                                ExportEmptyDocument(doc, exportFolder);
            catch (Exception ex)


        private void ExportEmptyDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                String exportPath= System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name));
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportTextDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                String sTxt = null;
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                String exportPath= System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + ".txt");
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        if (PI.HasText)
                            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = PI.ReadTextPagePart())
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTxt))
                                    sTxt = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                    sTxt = sTxt + Environment.NewLine + reader.ReadToEnd();
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(exportPath))
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportImageDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                docExporter.PageFormat = DocumentPageFormat.Tiff;
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + ".tiff");
                docExporter.ExportPages(LFDoc, GetImagePageSet(LFDoc), exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportImageDocumentToPDF(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + ".pdf");
                docExporter.ExportPdf(LFDoc, GetImagePageSet(LFDoc), PdfExportOptions.None, exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ExportElectronic(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + "." + LFDoc.Extension);
                docExporter.ExportElecDoc(LFDoc, exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private PageSet GetImagePageSet(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            PageSet psReturn = new PageSet();
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = (PageInfoReader)LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        using (LaserficheReadStream lrs = PI.ReadPagePart(new PagePart()))
                            if (lrs.Length > 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                psReturn = new PageSet();
            return psReturn;

        private Boolean HasText(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        if (PI.HasText)
                            bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private Boolean HasImagePages(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        using (LaserficheReadStream lrs = PI.ReadPagePart(new PagePart()))
                            if (lrs.Length > 0)
                                bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private Boolean IsElectronicDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                bReturn = LFDoc.IsElectronicDocument;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private Boolean IsEntryDocument(EntryInfo LFEnt)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                if (LFEnt.EntryType == EntryType.Document)
                    bReturn = true;
                    bReturn = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;

        private String WindowsFileName(String LFDocName)
            String sReturn = LFDocName.Replace(@"/", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"\", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@":", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"*", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"?", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"""", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"<", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@">", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"|", "_");
            return sReturn;

0 0
replied on February 3

If there are no errors in Workflow, you might check to see if the service account that is running workflow has write permission to the Windows folder you are attempting to use.


1 0
replied on November 21, 2023

If I have an entry in the repository that is an xlsx file type, will the the script you posted work for that, or would it need to be altered?

0 0
replied on November 21, 2023

@████████ this script will handle exporting electronic documents without any issues.

1 0
replied on November 21, 2023

Getting the following warning message when creating it in Workflow 11:

Warning	1	Assuming assembly reference 'Laserfiche.RepositoryAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3f98b3eaee6c16a6' matches 'Laserfiche.RepositoryAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3f98b3eaee6c16a6', you may need to supply runtime policy


0 0
replied on November 21, 2023

Figured it out. Needed to point to the Laserfiche.DocumentServices for version 11 instead of 10.4.

2 0
replied on February 6, 2024

@████████Are you actually using 10.2? I tried importing  from "%ProgramFiles%\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow\Utilities\DocumentServices\\Laserfiche.DocumentServices.dll" it auto selects v10.2 in the Add References window without v11 showing up at all. If I add v10.2 or 10.4 as a reference and then browse to the v11 version it shows in the window, but the reference is still the older version from the GAC.

0 0
replied on February 6, 2024

Nope, we were using version 11.

0 0
replied on February 6, 2024 Show version history

Thanks! Interesting. I'll try the script regardless.

Update: I moved the original v10.2 and 10.4 DocumentServices folders out of GAC and resolved the missing dll by pointing to the v11 file in %ProgramFiles%.

0 0
replied on February 6, 2024

It might be worth having a look at this:


The bundle includes export to Windows activity for workflow and supports v10/v11 of LF and will have support for v12 too, so you wouldn't need to figure out script updates.

2 0
replied on May 9, 2024

How much is the plugin

0 0
replied on August 26, 2020

OMG Thank you so much!! This is a lifesaver for my automating needs!!


0 0
replied on October 31, 2019

Greetings Bert!

This is awesome!

I was hoping you could help with a bit of example code.

I've done work with LFSO and VB but really struggling with C# and the RA Methods.

Would it be possible for someone to share some code to use a field from the documents as part of the filename?


I'm still hacking away at it, but I figured the community might be able to help.

Thanks in advance!

0 0
replied on October 31, 2019

After you install the Full SDK, browse to the Sample folder in the Install location (C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\SDK 10.2\Samples) and copy the "" file out to your Documents folder and then extract it.  You will find folder "LfSDKNetSamples\VisualBasic\MetadataPrinter" with a sample VB file that shows how to read metadata from an entry.

If you still have questions after that, create a new question to ask about what you are having issues with. 

2 0
replied on October 31, 2019

Thanks - I'm on it!  

0 0
replied on October 14, 2019

When running this code, I'm getting "The given path's format is not supported".  The export path I'm using is C:\Temp\WFExport.  Any ideas as to why it would give this error?

0 0
replied on October 14, 2019 Show version history

How/where are you defining the path?  If you are defining it within the script, are you escaping the "\" characters?


What is the document name in Laserfiche?  Does the document name contain illegal windows file name characters?  If so you will need to do string.replace on the name to replace the illegal characters before trying to export the document.  The windows file name cannot contain any of these:

/ \ : * ? " < > |


2 0
replied on October 14, 2019

Bert, you nailed it.  The document I was trying to export had a date/time stamp, so it had slashes and colons in it.  I removed them and it worked perfectly.  Thanks!

0 0
replied on October 14, 2019

Here is updated code that will replace the illegal characters in the name with an underscore.

        protected override void Execute()
            // Write your code here. The BoundEntryInfo property will access the entry, RASession will get the Repository Access session
                // Get Setting for Exporting Image Documents
                String sImageToPDF = (String)GetTokenValue("ExportImagesAsPDF");
                // Get Path to Windows Folder for Exports
                String exportFolder = (String)GetTokenValue("DestinationPath");
                // Ensure the Destination folder exists
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(exportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                    // Create missing folder(s)
                // Only Export Documents
                if (IsEntryDocument(BoundEntryInfo))
                    // Get DocumentInfo object
                    using (DocumentInfo doc = (DocumentInfo)BoundEntryInfo)
                        if (IsElectronicDocument(doc)) // Check if it is an electronic document
                            // Export the electronic Portion of the document
                            ExportElectronic(doc, exportFolder);
                        else if (HasImagePages(doc)) // Check for Image pages
                            if (sImageToPDF.ToLower() == "true")
                                // Export images to PDF
                                ExportImageDocumentToPDF(doc, exportFolder);
                                // Export images to TIFF
                                ExportImageDocument(doc, exportFolder);
                            if (HasText(doc)) // if it has Text
                                // Export text file
                                ExportTextDocument(doc, exportFolder);
                                ExportEmptyDocument(doc, exportFolder);
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void ExportEmptyDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                String exportPath= System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name));
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void ExportTextDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                String sTxt = null;
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                String exportPath= System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + ".txt");
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        if (PI.HasText)
                            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = PI.ReadTextPagePart())
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTxt))
                                    sTxt = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                    sTxt = sTxt + Environment.NewLine + reader.ReadToEnd();
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(exportPath))
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void ExportImageDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                docExporter.PageFormat = DocumentPageFormat.Tiff;
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + ".tiff");
                docExporter.ExportPages(LFDoc, GetImagePageSet(LFDoc), exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void ExportImageDocumentToPDF(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + ".pdf");
                docExporter.ExportPdf(LFDoc, GetImagePageSet(LFDoc), PdfExportOptions.None, exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void ExportElectronic(DocumentInfo LFDoc, String sExportFolder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sExportFolder);
                if (!di.Exists)
                DocumentExporter docExporter = new DocumentExporter();
                String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder, WindowsFileName(LFDoc.Name) + "." + LFDoc.Extension);
                docExporter.ExportElecDoc(LFDoc, exportPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
        private PageSet GetImagePageSet(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            PageSet psReturn = new PageSet();
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = (PageInfoReader)LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        using (LaserficheReadStream lrs = PI.ReadPagePart(new PagePart()))
                            if (lrs.Length > 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                psReturn = new PageSet();
            return psReturn;
        private Boolean HasText(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        if (PI.HasText)
                            bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;
        private Boolean HasImagePages(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                using (PageInfoReader LF_PageInfos = LFDoc.GetPageInfos())
                    foreach (PageInfo PI in LF_PageInfos)
                        using (LaserficheReadStream lrs = PI.ReadPagePart(new PagePart()))
                            if (lrs.Length > 0)
                                bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;
        private Boolean IsElectronicDocument(DocumentInfo LFDoc)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                bReturn = LFDoc.IsElectronicDocument;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;
        private Boolean IsEntryDocument(EntryInfo LFEnt)
            Boolean bReturn = false;
                if (LFEnt.EntryType == EntryType.Document)
                    bReturn = true;
                    bReturn = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
            return bReturn;
        private String WindowsFileName(String LFDocName)
            String sReturn = LFDocName.Replace(@"/", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"\", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@":", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"*", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"?", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"""", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"<", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@">", "_");
            sReturn = sReturn.Replace(@"|", "_");
            return sReturn;


5 0
replied on October 15, 2019

Awesome.  Thanks!

0 0
replied on October 17, 2018 Show version history

The only thing that I'd add is that you need to make sure that the account that the Workflow service runs as has permissions to the destination directory. We have Workflow running as an AD account so that we can achieve this. There are also a variety of ways to do it in code.

3 0
replied on October 17, 2018

Excellent point.

This is a very big "gotcha" because, as many of you already know, when you run the code from the Designer it runs as the current user, not the service account.

I figured that out after I had a script that worked great in testing, but suddenly failed when I tried to publish and run it the workflow on the server.

1 0
replied on October 16, 2019 Show version history


I am trying to write a .net program to export all the documents in a given folder in Laserfiche to a export folder.  I am not familiar with C#.  But looking at your code I am trying to figure out how you are getting  the documents?  I understand it checking the document for the type of document and exporting it a given location. 

I have been able to Connect using RA and Export a Single Document that I Choose.  But I want to export all the documents in that folder not just the one.  Any help would be much apprectiated.


0 0
replied on October 16, 2019 Show version history

In the above sample, the document is coming from workflow.  To do this in a standalone program, you will need to create your own way of getting the document(s) to export.

You state that you want to export documents found in a specific folder in Laserfiche.  I would run a search and then add each returned entry id into a List(Of Integer) object.

    Private Function GetDocumentListByPath(ByVal sParentPath As String, ByRef RASess As Session) As List(Of Integer)
        Dim lstReturn As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)
        Dim SearchString As String = "({LF:Name=""*"", Type=""D""} & {LF:LOOKIN=""" & sParentPath & """})"
        If RASess IsNot Nothing Then
                ' Gets a search object from the repository.
                Using RASearch As Search = New Search(RASess)
                    ' Defines the word that the search will look for.
                    RASearch.Command = SearchString
                    ' Begins the search
                    ' Create Search Settings Object
                    Dim settings As SearchListingSettings = New SearchListingSettings()
                    ' Add Entry ID colum to search settings
                    ' Create Search Results listing
                    Using srl As SearchResultListing = RASearch.GetResultListing(settings)
                        For Each SearchResult As EntryListingRow In srl
                    End Using
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ' Log Error Message
                ' And clear return list
                lstReturn = New List(Of Integer)
            End Try
        End If
        Return lstReturn
    End Function

Then loop through each entry id in the list, getting the entry by id and exporting it.


EDIT:  Updated function with "Using" blocks to ensure the Search and ResultListing objects are properly closed and disposed of after they are no longer needed.

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replied on October 21, 2019


Thank you for all your help.  I was able to get all the documents in a folder to export.  I still need to tweek my code, because it isn't getting the documents in sub folders.  But I am getting close to what I need. 

Again Thank You!


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replied on October 31, 2019


I have an additional question if you could help.  I am able to extract documents, but I was informed that some of the documents have a tag (Sealed Document).  I was able to extract the documents with the Sealed Document Tag, but I need to extract the documents that don't have the Sealed Document Tag.  I know in Laserfiche using the Tag in the search you can select None to exclude documents with tags. That is what I need to do.  My Search string that gets only the documents with tags looks like this:


    Dim SearchString As String = "({LF:Name=""*"", Type=""D""} & {LF:LOOKIN=""" & sParentPath & """} & {LF:Tags=""Sealed Document""})"     

Your help would be greatly appreciated.  I have tried looking through the documentation but haven't found anything that helps.  

If there is a way to get the tag  from the document and exclude that from the export list that would be even better.


Gary Schreader

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replied on November 4, 2019

You can exclude the documents with the Sealed Documents tag like this:

Dim SearchString As String = "({LF:Name=""*"", Type=""D""} & {LF:LOOKIN=""" & sParentPath & """}) - ({LF:Tags=""Sealed Document""})" 
0 0
replied on November 8, 2019


Thank you, that is what I needed.  You have been very helpful and I am very greatful.


Thank you!


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replied on February 25, 2020 Show version history

This solution worked great for me!  I made some slight adjustments in order to output the filename as [EntryID]+[LF FileName]:


String exportPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sExportFolder,GetTokenValue("ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_ID") + "-" + GetTokenValue("ForEachEntry_CurrentEntry_Name") + "." + LFDoc.Extension);

You WILL have to update the LFDocname at the bottom to still remove illegal characters.

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