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Report Filter Criteria Based on Current Date

asked on October 16, 2018

In Forms 10.3.1, I am needing to create a report that returns all forms processes that have a date variable older than today.  In adding the filter I have the choice to set it to "is before (by date only)" but then I have to select a specific date.  Is there a way to filter to only those that are less than Current Date when the report is run or something like that?

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replied on November 7, 2024

Hi, We have supported more customisable filter ranges for reports on Forms 12.

You can see other changes from: Laserfiche 12 Changelog

Get Laserfiche Forms 12 package from: Laserfiche 12 - Downloads

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replied on May 6, 2020

Thank you all for the request. For system variable - start date, we currently support relative date filters, including "Today", "This week", "This month", "This quarter", and "This year", we could support the same relative date filters for date variables. Feel free to let me know if this does not meet your requirements or if you need any other filters.

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replied on May 7, 2020

If we can use these relative date filters with selection criteria of "before" or "after", not just "in" that would be helpful.

My use case is that I need to run a report on the Thursday before orientation.  I would like to set the filter to be "Effective Date  is after (by date)   today".  Then I would set the schedule to run the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.

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replied on May 7, 2020

Thank you Michelle! I will add this request into our list.

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replied on May 28, 2020

I am looking into this feature request as well. My agency is looking for a scheduled payroll report to process approved reimbursements from the last 2 weeks. not ALL approved processes.


thank you 

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replied on June 18, 2024

I would like 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, over 120 days.

These are typical aging categories. It would nice to have these on a custom date field as well. ie. Invoice date.

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replied on October 16, 2018

Hi Beau,


Currently we don't support filter by before "Current Date", but we do have a feature item about this in our backlog.  We will try to support this in the future. 





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replied on October 16, 2018

Thanks for the quick response.  To make this work I ended up adding a delay in the process diagram that keeps the form live until that date in that field is reached.  Then I just filtered based on the step/stage the forms are in as they can't move on until after that date.  I love the growth in reporting and look forward to using variables in the filters in the future. 

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replied on April 3, 2019

This would be a high priority for us. We are utilizing a growing number of automated reports, and rather than send the entire instance history for a process, which is growing rapidly, we would prefer only to send a week, month, etc. in each report.

As an example, I'd like a scheduled weekly report that sends out a report on all submissions made in the previous week. Without a variable/dynamic date, my only option is to either manually update the date from time-to-time, or to send everything.

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replied on February 10, 2022

I am also looking for this feature as I want a report for show only those permits that were approved where the Expiry Date is still active.  So, basically:

Expiry Date          "is after"          "current date"

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replied on June 18, 2024

Same here. Would like to build an aging report for invoices that are pending approval and aging. 

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replied on December 3, 2019

Hello, is there any update on this feature? We have monthly reports here et need to manually update the filter which is not convenient.



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replied on April 28, 2020

I am also looking for an update on this feature.  We have same needs as Veronique and Jason Smith when using automated reports.

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replied on January 5, 2024

Looking for an update on this feature?  Thank you

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replied on March 1, 2024

Any news on this feature request?

We would also like more dynamic date filtering options in Forms Reporting. Just being able to run a report on the First of the Month for the "last month" without needing to manually change the date filter would be great.

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replied on June 27, 2024

+1 For this feature.

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