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Advanced Audit can't keep audit failure settings - Bug

asked on October 3, 2018



We have advanced audit 10.3, and we had it setup to audit both success and failure for all events. For users had the setup pre 10.3 it seems audit is working fine but with new users it does not, let me explain by screenshots.


1) Select all Audit and press Apply then OK

2) Re-open it and all failure are gone


3) from Audit trail

4) It does not log failures although I tried to do few failures







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replied on October 4, 2018

You're right, sorry about that.

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replied on October 3, 2018 Show version history

Thank you for reporting. Reference ID 114376. This seems to be a display bug only, the events are correctly set in the database.

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replied on October 3, 2018 Show version history



Quick summary: The issue is not limited to display, effected profiles dose not generate failed activities, however the workaround I used Admin console Version: to update audit value and now the users generate failed audit.


I doubled checked it, there is no "Failure" audit events recorded for the user and here is screenshots:

1) Set all events (success and failure)

2) Try to generate failed logs by failing to login to Client and Admin console, then generate success events

Used Session: Log on - Filter: Login name is equal to admin 


As in the above screenshot, I can see only success events.




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replied on October 4, 2018

You're right, sorry about that.

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replied on January 17, 2019

Hi, we are having the same issue. Is there a fix yet?

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replied on January 17, 2019

This is fixed in Laserfiche 10.4. You can reach out to your Laserfiche Solution Provider to get this latest release, or you can wait until the Laserfiche Empower conference when 10.4 will be generally available.

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replied on January 17, 2019

Ok, thanks.

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