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Login using JRA

asked on September 7, 2018 Show version history

I am doing Laserfiche related development using JRA. I have no any further training using JRA. Before doing development, I am testing the JRA sample application to become familiar with the subject. In the "". Following are the code used to do repository connection and user log in.:



String serverName = "serverName", repoName = "repoName", userName = "userName ", password = "password";

int port = 80;
Session session = new Session();
RepositoryRegistration repository = new RepositoryRegistration(serverName, repoName, port);

session.logIn(userName, password);



I replaced with correct credential and test. The repository connection was successful, but user log in failed with error message of "user/password not match".

According to Laserfiche document, JRA may needs JRA kerberos security configuration set up.

However, after I have the kerberos security configured and changed the code according to document, the user login still failed with different messages like: "Client not found in Kerberos database (6) or Message stream modified (41) .

1) Is it necessary to use Kerberos security configuration to do user login in JRA ?

2) If not, why the statement session.logIn(userName, password) failed?

3) If yes, why does the user login still failed with kerberos configuration?

4) What is the correct way to do user login using JRA?



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replied on September 7, 2018

After the SDK is installed, in the "C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\SDK 10.2\Docs" folder, you will find which contains the JRA dacumentation.  Open the "index.html" file and then you should be able to find what you need there.

Basically, the login override that you are using is for logging in with a LF User name and password.

To log in with Windows Authentication, you want to use one of the below overrides.

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replied on October 24, 2018

I think I use the correct Laserfiche username and password. At least, I was told so. However, the login failed with "failed with error message of "user/password not match". What might be the reason?

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