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Unspecified error [-2147467259] when loading user profile

asked on August 30, 2018

Running LFS on Windows Server 2012 Datacenter.

Yesterday, the people who do the majority of the scanning started to report that the scanning settings were not holding and that they would have to set up scanning like it was their first time every time they opened scanning.  When we access the user profiles in the LF Admin Console, for the effected users, we get a message stating "Unspecified error [-2147467259]".

After clicking OK, the profile loads and everything looks right until we open the attributes tab and there are no attributes.

Any ideas on what caused this and how to fix the effected users?

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replied on August 30, 2018

It really sounds like a corrupted attribute. 

This is what I would do to start troubleshooting. 

Have the user log out of Laserfiche, exporting their attributes, then delete all their attributes (even system attributes).  Have the user log in and reset their scan settings and log out and back in.

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replied on August 30, 2018

That was the first thing I tried, but there are no attributes listed to delete.

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replied on January 5, 2021

I know this is a very old post, but does anyone have an answer regarding what to do if there are no scanning attributes to delete? Would the next step be to completely delete the user's profile and create a new one?

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