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Error with LDAP - "Failed to verify the LDAP configuration."

asked on August 17, 2018


We have a client that is trying to get the LDAP configured with Forms and is continuing to get the message "Failed to verify the LDAP configuration. (The LDAP server is unavailable,) [LFF360-LDAPFAILValidation]".

The user can ping the LDAP server no problem from the LF server and vice versa.

We referenced the Admin Guide as well, but still is not helping with this configuration.

See screenshot below for the message.

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replied on August 26, 2018


We also have the same ERROR with Laserfiche Forms Professional Version

but I got the Message Like That :


" Failed to verify the LDAP configuration. (An operation error occurred. The base DN (DC=***,DC=***,DC=***) is invalid.) [LFF360-LDAPFailValidation] "


and it was working well in Version 10.2



LFForms LDAP Config Error.png
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replied on August 27, 2018

The support case with LF is still open.  Here is what has been tried:

  • Used LDAP Explorer to confirm user can connect to the LDAP server.  It was successful.
  • Tried using the base distinguished name without the OU, no change.
  • Currently using Forms  Will upgrade to 10.2.1 and see if the issue is resolved.
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replied on August 27, 2018

Is there any update? I have a client with the exact same issue.

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replied on August 27, 2018

Thanks, Barry. We are on

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replied on August 27, 2018

I'd suggest getting a wireshark trace while reproducing the error. When you have the trace, filter on the LDAP protocol and then look for the ldaperr error code and/or message.

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replied on September 4, 2018

Hi Alex,

Users were not able to log in again today. IT ran Wireshark. This is the email: 

The error in response to search request is “In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection”. However it seems that bind is completed successfully judging by the bind response.

Packet capture file contains 3 unsuccessful tries and one successful after changing DC name in forms configuration)

It seems like we're missing something simple. 

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replied on September 19, 2018

Has anything been resolved with this? Should I open a case? 

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replied on September 19, 2018

The client did not proceed with the upgrade at this time.  The issue was not resolved.

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replied on September 20, 2018

Thanks, Barry. I guess we'll open a case.

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replied on May 13, 2019

Hello Linda,


Did you ever get your case resolved for this?



Jeff Curtis

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replied on June 4, 2019

Hi Jeff, 

Yes, the client changed their base DN from DC=cityname, DC=us. I'm not sure what they changed it to though. 

From Alex: 

I'd recommend against using just DC=cityname,DC=us as their base DN. Also, it doesn't matter that the users are in different OUs because you can configure multiple base DNs. Notice the link to "add base distinguished name" allowing users to have multiple items pointing to the different OUs. 

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