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Administrator having to kill NuanceLS.exe instances manually

asked on August 10, 2018 Show version history

Hi All,


The administrator is having to kill NuanceLS.exe instances manually to free memory after Scheduled OCR workflow. Anybody else running into this, and have any creative solutions? 





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replied on August 10, 2018

Hi Brian,

We also had some issues with processes not closing out on our OCR workers and if left alone they would eventually consume enough CPU to bog down the server.

NuanceLS.exe wasn't the same process causing us problems, and I believe our issue was more CPU than RAM, but our workaround was to schedule weekly server reboots.

We process around 10,000 documents per day on average and the build up of "runaway" processes was slow enough that once-per-week reboots was enough.

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replied on August 10, 2018

Hi Jason,


Thanks for your reply. Now that you say it, I do believe CPU was the original issue, so this sounds like a pretty good remedy. Even though this isn't a cure, hopefully this will suffice for them. I'll make the suggestion. Thanks again.



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replied on August 10, 2018

You're right, unfortunately it is not really a "cure" since it doesn't address the underlying issue (which we still haven't identified), but we have not had any problems since we started the reboot schedule over 6 months ago.

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