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Center the file upload button using CSS

asked on August 3, 2018 Show version history

Good Afternoon Everyone,


Hopefully there is someone out there that knows CSS much better than I do.  All I want is for the file upload button to be in the center of the form, below it's label.  Any help is much appreciated! 


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replied on August 6, 2018

Try the following

Add a CSS class to your upload field called centeredField or something along those lines

Then add the following CSS

.centeredField .cf-field {

As seen above, this centers the containers for the uploaded files as well, so if you don't want that you'd have to get a bit more creative with the CSS.

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replied on August 6, 2018

Hi Drew,


You could also try adding the following CSS to the CSS and Javascript tab.


.fileuploader {display:block; margin:auto;}


This will target all of the file upload buttons on your Form, so if you have multiple uploads, they all should become centered. Also, the file will remain left-aligned.


Hope this helps!

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