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How to set default template?

asked on July 26, 2018 Show version history

Our VAR set up most of our file structure but we're hoping to finish it in house. They set up default templates for us that vary depending on the folder (i.e. screenshot below):

I checked the import profile and it appears as though the Template is set up to <Use parent folder's template>. This is the same at all folder levels:

I cannot check at the highest level, the repository level. I can open options as per below:

but when I click on New Documents, Laserfiche crashes.


I will note that some folder levels don't appear to have a template assigned so I don't know how all folder levels appear to have the same settings to import files but have a different outcome of default template based on the folder.


I want to replicate what the VAR built for us but I don't know how to do this. Any ideas?

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replied on July 26, 2018

I get the same issue when I click on "Laserfiche Repositories". However, if you click on your actual repository name(CSRD), click the Tools dropdown at the top and choose Options you will be able to see the Options for that repository at the root level.

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replied on July 26, 2018

Hi Darrell, That makes sense. Thanks for pointing that out!

Still, I'm a little confused about how there are different default templates set at different folder levels when all of the import profiles templates are set to <Use parent folder's template>. I would have thought that the template set at the parent folder would be used wherever the sub-folder's import profile template is set to use the parent's...

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replied on July 27, 2018

Hi Emily, 

The 'default' import profiles that you are seeing in tools->Options is not specific to the folders, but applies across the entire repository. Basically it means - if the folder has a template set on it, default to using the same template on import. You can create additional import profiles that users can pick on document creation, but the default is across the entire system. 

The 'Laserfiche Repositories' item is a virtual folder for the scenario where you have multiple repositories - the repository name itself is the actual root folder, as Darrell notes. That said, trying to create new documents on it shouldn't crash the Client! I'll follow up with the development team and ensure that just isn't allowed in the first place. 

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replied on July 27, 2018

Bug# 102455 has been filed to get the crash fixed. The options dialog should be disabled when the "Laserfiche Repositories" node is selected because the options are specific to the currently selected repository.

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