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Record does not delete - records management

asked on July 17, 2018

I am just getting started with Records Management in Laserfiche. I have created the various record series and set up an interval (weekdays) and told the record series to destroy after the cutoff.

However, I placed a test document in the record series and it does not delete. I just recently changed the filing date to today (it was in 2017) so my assumption was that it would have destroyed the document since it was past 1 month of it's filing date.

Am I misunderstanding how RM should work? Any help would be appreciated!

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replied on July 17, 2018


The Records Management components do not automatically delete expired documents, which I believe is due to some requirements for compliance with records management standards like DoD 5015.2.

From what I understand, the system is designed to flag expired documents, but a user with sufficient rights must still go in and actually tell LF to perform the final disposition activities.

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replied on July 17, 2018

Thanks Jason. I was kind of gathering that looking at other posts on here about RM.

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replied on July 17, 2018

If you wanted things to be automated, it is possible with SDK scripts in Workflow. I attended a course at Empower that demonstrated this, but it isn't currently an "out-of-the-box" option.

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replied on December 30, 2019

Do you know what course this was? I'm looking for the associated Power Point but can't seem to find anything.

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replied on December 30, 2019

Unfortunately I do not remember which course had those scripts, but I believe it was kind of a "bonus" item covered at the end of a 2018 course (possibly a Records Management course, but it may also have just been a Workflow course).

A lot changed with 10.4 so you may also want to check the Empower 2019 PowerPoints for PRD227 (Security 202) and PRD316 (Workflow 205).

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replied on December 30, 2019

Thank you for the quick reply. I appreciate it.

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