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Generic Invoice Processing

asked on July 12, 2018

I'm trying to set up a fairly generic Quick Fields session that will scan invoices from a variety of vendors.  Is it possible to scan a whole page and look for all of the characters within say 1/4" of the word Invoice in order to find the invoice number without know where it would be on the page?  I'm fairly new to Quick Fields so I have no idea if this would be possible or how to go about it.  It seems to me that in skimming a variety of our invoices the Invoice Number tends to be either directly to the right or directly below the word Invoice.

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replied on July 13, 2018

Hi Rob,


Is there no pattern to this at all? In that you could setup different document classes to match the locations?


Failing that, you could try and pattern match the invoice number out of the whole page text?


It would probably be something like \d\d-\d\d\d\d\d (I'm not the best at pattern matching).


Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

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replied on July 13, 2018

Using the Zone OCR, you can drag a box around the area that you want to OCR.  


Like Chris mentioned, you will most likely want to create document classes.  I think you would have much more success this way.  If you aren't after all of the information on the page, the zone OCR is the way to go imo.

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