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email link in 10.3

asked on July 10, 2018

I can't seem to find where to select "link" or copy" after my update when sending emails.  Where can I find this?  Sending a link used to be so simple.  I tried to play with the "Send As" setting, but it keeps making me jump through hops...logging into multiple servers. 

Am I missing a setting somewhere? 


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replied on July 10, 2018

Under "Send as", "Files" means it is sending a copy of the document (the actual pages will be atached to the email) and "Windows client links (LFE)" means it is sending a LF client shortcut file that points to the document. Is there a different type of link you are trying to send?

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replied on July 11, 2018

The email will send, but when attempts are made to open it (the link), I get the following.  This takes me to the app.  I need to be able to open it in Client.  

Then this appears (I'm not sure why it goes to forms server, and I can't change it)...

We use windows authentication.  When I click it and "Sign In", I get this...

If I don't use the windows authentication, I can get in to the LF App, but the organizations preference is to open in Client as the majority of users are not mobile.

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