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Authentication with Directory Server 10.3 with SAML (Azure AD) authentication

asked on June 28, 2018


I'd appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction regarding SAML authentication with directory server - I am testing web access (and forms) authentication against Azure AD.  I have followed the white paper on configuring DS 10.3 for SAML.


I have set up a SAML IdP in LFDS 10.3 and populated the Issuer, endpoint and certificate with the SAML Entity ID, SAML Single Sign-On Service URL and SAML signing certificate from the Azure AD application registration page - see LFDS_IdP.png

I've set up an STS site with the suggested endpoint displayed in the LFDS configuration - see  LDFS_STS.png

I am happy that LFDS is set up OK as I can authenticate fine if i use an LFDS account and authenticate via the directory server page - see LFDS_login_page.png; LFDSTest_loggedin.png

However, if i use the SAML button on the directory server page i get prompted for windows credentials and am unable to get any further - see windows_auth_prompt.png

Using fiddler I can see that the windows authentication happens against https://TESTVM1/LDFSSTS/specificapi/login/login  (the same url the LFDS account auth uses and gets no authentication challenge)

I've tried numerous different configurations in IIS regarding service account authentications but i don't think the issue lies there as the LFDS account authentication works OK so i'm assuming that the local STS set up is OK.

All I am looking for initially is seeing the hand-off to the MS Azure login page from directory server but it is not redirecting.  I assume something is fundamentally wrong with my DS SAML setup but i can't see what.

I know that the Azure SSO sign in page is valid as I can browse to it manually.


Has anyone successfully tested against Azure AD or can anyone suggest what might be the issue?


many thanks,



LFDS_IdP.png (71.61 KB)
LFDS_STS.png (62.64 KB)
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replied on July 16, 2018

Laserfiche support identified that no binding type was specified and recommended urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST


Putting this as the endpoint binding type parameter got us past the Windows auth prompt.

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