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Workflow date country format error

asked on May 27, 2018 Show version history

I have an issue with a customer where the date retrieved from Laserfiche Client by workflow is in a different format from the date found when using Waiting for Change.  I have tested this in a very simple workflow as outlined below:

The server region is set to Australia and the date format is dd/MM/yyyy.

In Client there is a date field in Short Date format.

The workflow is waiting for a date to be entered, and it must be equal to or less than Today.

Test 1)  If the date already exists before the workflow is run, the condition matches.

That is the field already contained a date in AU format:


Test 2)  If there is no existing date, then workflow will wait for a date to be entered.

When the user enters a date (in AU format) the workflow does not accept the condition because the date appears in workflow in US format MM/dd/yyy.


So the difference is:  If the date exists, workflow sees it as AU format.  If the date is entered during a Wait for Entry Change, workflow sees it as US format.


Other details:

Server 2016

Server Region Setting:  Format = English (Australia) = dd/MM/yyy


Workflow service user is Domain User with local administrator rights

Laserfiche Client login is Laserfiche User: Admin

Workflow login is Laserfiche User: Workflow (not named with full rights)


I have also found the following:

If I enter the date as 05/05/2018, workflow still does not recognise the date as valid:

Workflow shows FALSE even though the date appears correct.

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replied on June 19, 2018

If you come across this issue then ensure that the region setting for the workflow service user is set correctly.  Also ensure that all region settings are correct on the Laserfiche and workflow server.

It is not actually an issue with Laserfiche or workflow; it is a Windows setting issue.


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replied on May 29, 2018 Show version history

What version of Workflow are you using?


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replied on May 29, 2018

Workflow version

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