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Forms hung in business process "Email Service Task"

asked on May 27, 2018

We have a business process including some step's for Email service task, and i have a form hung in this step , any one explain for me what happen and how i can fix this issue or if there is any solution to resubmit .

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No Action.png (26.17 KB)
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replied on May 27, 2018

I would guess it's one of two issues. Either the email address it is trying to send to is invalid, it there is a problem connecting to the email server. You should be able to check the Event Viewer on the Forms Server to get more information.

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replied on May 27, 2018 Show version history

yes , there was a problem connecting to the email server , but is there any solution to run these form again or resubmit it ?  and Form status is in progress still  !!!

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replied on May 28, 2018

Yes, when looking at the insurance details, scroll all the way to the right and you'll see there dots. Click on it and you should see Retry. Click on that and it should Retry the activity.

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replied on May 28, 2018

The instance status “ in progress” , and no option for the instance to retry as you see in attached

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No Action.png (26.97 KB)
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