asked on May 15, 2018

We are using Laserfiche Forms Essentials  Our LF Forms user that we are using is a full Process Admin.  In the designer, when we select the Business process library, it says ("Forms is unable to connect to the Business Process Library. You are viewing a previously downloaded backup copy of the library from 5/31/2017",  If we try to download any of the processes, we are taken to an unresponsive url such as this.....

This site can’t be reached
The webpage at http://localhost/Forms/handlers/BPLFileDownloader.ashx?url=17074%2FFiles%2FOvertime_Authorization_Request-Repository_Briefcase10.2.lfb&name=Overtime%20Authorization%20Request&mode=0 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


If we go to a different LF forms server, we can download and briefcase the business process, and then import it on this LF forms server just fine.


Any ideas on why this is happening?

Unable to connect.JPG