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How to auto populate fields in a table inside a form

asked on April 27, 2018

I'm trying to populate certain fields in "Table 2" as the submitter is filling out certain fields in "Table 1".  Please see screenshots.  As the submitter fills out the customer column in the data point summary table, I would like for the customer column in the direct customer feedback summary table to auto populate with the same customers.  I've tried using some index functions, but just can't seem to get it the way I would like for it to work.  Is this possible?  Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

DP Summary.PNG
Customer Feedback.PNG
DP Summary.PNG (17.64 KB)
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replied on April 27, 2018

I believe the only way this can be accomplished is with JS. 

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replied on April 30, 2018

Do you happen to know the code or how I might would get started with it?



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replied on April 30, 2018

to get the index of the current row being edited with JavaScript, the following snippet works:

//replace Table1 with your variable name, and q10 with the column number for the one you want to watch from Table1.
$('li[attr="Table1"] tbody').on('change','td[data-col="q10"] input[name^="Field"]',function(){
  //get the first parent table row
  var row = $(this).closest('tr');

  //get the 0-based index of the tbody that contains that row
  var idx = $(this).closest('tbody').index(row);

Once you have that index, it depends whether you can assume that a row exists in Table 2 or not. If yes, then the snippet above would become:


//replace Table1 with your variable name, and q10 with the column number for the one you want to watch from Table1.
//replace Table2 with your variable name, and q20 with the column number for the one you want to set from Table2.
$('li[attr="Table1"] tbody').on('change','td[data-col="q10"] input[name^="Field"]',function(){
  //get the first parent table row
  var row = $(this).closest('tr');

  //get the 0-based index of the tbody that contains that row
  var idx = $(this).closest('tbody').index(row);

  //set the other table's row's value
  $('li[attr="Table2"] tbody tr').eq(idx).find('td[data-col="q20"] input[name^="Field"]').val($(this).val());

This gets a bit more complicated if you want the 2 tables to always match, even if a row is added/deleted from one or the other, but it is possible in JavaScript.

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replied on April 30, 2018

First of all, thank you very much.  This is very thorough.  I changed it and set both tables with a fixed number of rows (4) hoping to get it to work, but for some reason it isn't populating into table 2.

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replied on May 1, 2018

The entire statement might need to be within a statement that waits for the page to finish loading - if the JavaScript fires before Table1 has been created, it won't have anything to attach to, and so the code will never run. It's best to always put any code that runs against something on the page (like in this example, attaching an event handler of on('change')) within the $(document).ready as seen below.


  //replace Table1 with your variable name, and q10 with the column number for the one you want to watch from Table1.
  //replace Table2 with your variable name, and q20 with the column number for the one you want to set from Table2.
  $('li[attr="Table1"] tbody').on('change','td[data-col="q10"] input[name^="Field"]',function(){
    //get the first parent table row
    var row = $(this).closest('tr');

    //get the 0-based index of the tbody that contains that row
    var idx = $(this).closest('tbody').index(row);

    //set the other table's row's value
    $('li[attr="Table2"] tbody tr').eq(idx).find('td[data-col="q20"] input[name^="Field"]').val($(this).val());

What this does, is waits for the page to finish loading all the controls before running. This guarantees that Table1 exists before trying to attach the event handler to it.

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