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Assign a task only to two individuals on a team

asked on April 17, 2018

I have a User Task going to a Team (Discipline Managers):

Is there a way assign the task only to Team Manager 1 and Team Manager 2 using a filter? I'm not opposed to hardcoding their display name or username.

We like the delegation advantages the "Team" gives us but, in this particular case, we don't want to the whole team to get the task unless it's delegated.

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replied on April 17, 2018

If you configured "manager" roles within the team, you can use a filter. From what I remember, I could not get a filter to recognize the built-in "Team Manager" since it is not technically a role, so what I do is create a separate "Manager" role within the team and use that to filter.

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replied on April 17, 2018

Thanks, that worked!

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