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MMC has detected an error in snap-in for one user.

asked on April 12, 2018


We are working with a user that is getting an error in the Admin Console when accessing Metadata > Fields that "MMC has detected an error in a snap-in," see screenshot.

We have narrowed that this error is resolved if we remove the user's attributes, but the user has a lot of attribute customization's and need them available to them.

Any ideas what attribute may be causing an error for this?

I also saved the Attributes locally to my machine as a test user, but could not replicate from my system.

MMC has detected an error in a snap-in.png
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replied on June 15, 2020

MMC has detected an error in a Snap-in

Was getting this error earlier today (exactly like the one in the screen shot above), had not had it before.  Have made a lot of changes to metadata fields over the last few days (changing access so some of our templates and fields would not show up on Weblink).  Restarted my pc, and the message is no longer appearing and things seem to be fine.

I am hoping it does not occur again.  Wanted to post this as I was initially looking for the cause, and older articles mentioned renaming or deleting the Laserfiche Administration Console mmc file and letting a new one be created upon restart. 

I did not do that (could not find the file in the path suggested which was a pretty old KB article - so probably not a bad thing), but I did restart.

And now things seem ok.

Replying in the event this could be helpful to someone else.



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replied on April 12, 2018

Please open a support case so we can get a crash dump to analyze.

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