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Forms Table Variables HTML Formatting

asked on April 6, 2018

I have a form that is sending an email out and needs to include the row values from a table in the email.  To get the table rows into the email I am using javascript to write it into a multiline field in the format I need it in.  What I am needing is to apply HTML formatting to these to make put them in a bullet list. 

I first tried adding the html to the values in the field but it renders them as text, not as html (e.g. <ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul>).  Additionally, Forms does not let you submit the form with html formatting in a field so that created a second problem.  

I next just updated it to put a symbol in front of the text, to create my own bullets, but once again they rendered as text instead of html (e.g. &#9673;).  If I load the character directly into the email (e.g. &#9673;) it looks correct.  I know I can do this via Workflow but am trying to get the email creation handled in the Process Diagram so that non-LF Admins can manage the verbiage in the email.  Any one been able to inject html into an email in Forms via a variable and have it render?

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replied on April 6, 2018

Hi Beau,

Have you tried to apply HTML formatting onto the token? You can do this through the Token Editor by right clicking the token:



Additionally, if you are appending rows of HTML to a multi-value token before applying HTML formatting - then I suggest applying a delimiter to display all rows in your multi-value token:


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replied on April 6, 2018

Thanks.  I am already separating by line break as they are a list of forms for the person to complete.  I did try the HTML formatting (thanks for reminding me) but unfortunately it didn't help. 

The email went form this without it:

&#9673;Form 1
&#9673;Form 2
&#9673;Form 3

To this with using HTML formatting in WF:

&amp;#9673;Form 1
&amp;#9673;Form 2
&amp;#9673;Form 3


Forms appears to ignore any HTML coding you load into a variable, even when rendering it outside of a field.

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replied on April 7, 2018

Hi Beau,

I suggest to apply the HTML and delimiter formatting onto the whole multi-value token after the values are all appended. <li> tags should already display in bullet form so you probably don't need additional bullet symbols. You may also use "space" as the delimiter rather than linebreak to avoid additional line spacing.

Try the following as it seems to work for me:


Comes out like this in email:



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