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Resetting a Parallel Gateway count

asked on March 26, 2018 Show version history

Good morning,

Recently we started incorporating Signal Throw Events to interrupt ongoing processes in Forms. Our goal was to have, let's say for simplicity purposes, two user tasks that ran parallel and a parallel Gateway that waited for them. The Signal Throw Event happens when a form is rejected by either user. Let's call them User A and User B

Scenario 1. (no problem)

User A or User B Reject the form so the pending User does not need to do anything because the current process gets interrupted and both User A and User B get to start over

Scenario 2. (problem)

User A Approves the form

User B Rejects the form

Both get to start over

User B Approves the form

Process ends without User A interaction again :(


How can we reset the count in the Parallel Gateway so that even if one user has submitted the form, if the second one rejects it, both HAVE to submit the form again in order for the process to continue.


Below is a simple diagram to reproduce the issue.

resetForms.PNG (21.77 KB)
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replied on March 28, 2018

I came up with this other solution in which instead of sending the signal to a dead end, I send it to the parallel gateway and from there I check if the last user task's action was reject, and if so, I send it back to the beginning. So far I have not run into any issues. Does anyone see a potential issue with this?

replied on March 28, 2018


I came up with this way in which I force any pending User Tasks to the Parallel Gateway and then check if a form was rejected in a next Gateway, and if so, I send it back to start over. What do you think? Do you see any issues with having it like this? I made a few tests successfully.


Signal1.PNG (27.29 KB)
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