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Populating a table or section with a lookup rule based on a value within the table or section

asked on March 26, 2018


I am trying to populate item information into a table or section that requires the user to enter an item number in the first field of a row. The look up then uses that value, and other values outside of the table/section, to determine where to find the remaining item information and populate the remainder of the row.  

I have been unable to get this to work. 

My stored procedure works correctly with test data, pulling the right information.

My question is, can a value in a field within a table or section row be used in a lookup rule to populate other fields in the same row?  Do any workarounds need to be done for this?

Lookup rule image attached.

forms-lookup.jpg (60.96 KB)
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replied on March 29, 2018

Hi John,

As you said your lookup rule should be "match field A out of table and match field B inside table, then fill field C inside table", which would definitely works and it would match field B then fill C in the same row.

But the lookup rule in your screenshot did not meet the above condition. It didn't match field B.

Also you mentioned "table or section". There is no "rows" definition in a section, did you mean collection?

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