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Check Asterisk "*" Value on Submit

asked on March 22, 2018

I have a field that users can put in an asterisk for a wildcard, however, I do not want them to use a single wildcard. If they do, I want to throw an error. Here's what I have, but it's not working:


//A single * in the Project # field is NOT ALLOWED
  $('.Submit').click(function() {    
    if($('.projectNo').val() == '*')
       alert('A single asterisk "*" is not allowed in the Project # field!');

});  //close document.ready

What am I doing wrong?

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replied on March 22, 2018 Show version history

Add the word "input" in your code like this


if($('.projectNo input').val() == '*')


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replied on March 22, 2018

Funny, was thinking of putting a 3-character minimum limit on the field. What would that look like?


replied on March 22, 2018

You could also try just a regex on the field,  ^([^\*]|.{2,})$   That should allow anything but a single *

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replied on March 22, 2018

Funny, was thinking of putting a 3-character minimum limit on the field. What would that look like?

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replied on March 22, 2018

Just to check for a min of 3 chars,    .{3,}

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replied on March 22, 2018

So I ended up going with a 5-xter min and 100-xter max. Thanks for the help!!!


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replied on March 22, 2018

Thank you, Raul! I knew it would be something silly.

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replied on April 11, 2019

Is this a way I can put a minimum word count in a multi line field? for example: we have a multi line field where an applicant needs to submit an essay. We request the essay to be a minimum of 150 words.... any input would help! thanks

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