This morning, our customer were having issues moving a document in the client and viewed the event viewer log and got massive amounts of the same errors:
An error occurred when executing an SQL query, retrieving the results of a query, or otherwise communicating with the database server. Session ID=436; Dialog ID=7933; Repository="NBS"; Function=SysDocumentCreate; Message="[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.activity_log'.'activity_log_pk' in database 'LF10_NBS' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup."; Statement="{call finalize_entry(:tocid<int,in>,:parentid<int,in>,:name<char[255],in>,:etag<bigint,in>,:edoc_etag<bigint,in>,:actid<bigint,in>,:path<char[1023],in>,:lock_token<char[36],in>,:lock_timeout<int,in>,:lock_expires<timestamp,in>,:lock_scope<int,in>,:lock_depth<int,in>,:lock_creator<raw[85],in>,:lock_owner<char[800],in>,:del_upon_unlock<int,in>,:reviewcycle<int,out>,:reviewinterval<int,out>,:reviewintervalunit<char[1],out>)}"; SQL Variable=""; SQL State="42000".
They Laserfiche Server is version
Full SQL 2014
Are there any utility tools that can do a cleanup or are these logs harmful to delete?