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SQL error - 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.

asked on March 12, 2018 Show version history

This morning, our customer were having issues moving a document in the client and viewed the event viewer log and got massive amounts of the same errors:

An error occurred when executing an SQL query, retrieving the results of a query, or otherwise communicating with the database server. Session ID=436; Dialog ID=7933; Repository="NBS"; Function=SysDocumentCreate; Message="[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.activity_log'.'activity_log_pk' in database 'LF10_NBS' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup."; Statement="{call finalize_entry(:tocid<int,in>,:parentid<int,in>,:name<char[255],in>,:etag<bigint,in>,:edoc_etag<bigint,in>,:actid<bigint,in>,:path<char[1023],in>,:lock_token<char[36],in>,:lock_timeout<int,in>,:lock_expires<timestamp,in>,:lock_scope<int,in>,:lock_depth<int,in>,:lock_creator<raw[85],in>,:lock_owner<char[800],in>,:del_upon_unlock<int,in>,:reviewcycle<int,out>,:reviewinterval<int,out>,:reviewintervalunit<char[1],out>)}"; SQL Variable=""; SQL State="42000".

They Laserfiche Server is version

Full SQL 2014


Are there any utility tools that can do a cleanup or are these logs harmful to delete? 


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replied on March 12, 2018

These are not logs. The "primary group" is the data file for your repository where all the information about documents is stored.

How big is the database now?

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replied on March 12, 2018

It maxed out at 23GB and they increased the max size to 36GB as a temp workaround. They are wanting to purge old data if possible.

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replied on March 13, 2018

There isn't any unnecessary data in the database.  If you think the database is unusually large for the size of the repository you can look into your backup plan and recovery model, which have an impact on the amount of disk space used.

replied on March 15, 2018


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replied on March 15, 2018 Show version history

My initial thought was that there is no "old data" in a repository database.  If you think the database is unusually large for the size of the repository it's possible that something has gone wrong and you should open a support case.

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replied on March 15, 2018

I have opened a case and LF Support and said that this not something we can assist with and said the DBA should be able to address this issue on their own and fix the issue easily. Not much help was provided at all.

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replied on March 20, 2018


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replied on March 20, 2018

What makes you believe this is abnormal growth? How much size is the activity_log table actually taking up? How many documents in the repository? How large are the mdf vs ldf log files? For example, this is what is taking up space from a 36GB SQL Laserfiche database with 2.5 million documents in it. This was run with the SSMS built in report generator.


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