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Audit Trail Report Graph Display

asked on March 2, 2018


I am trying to create a report in Audit Trail and generate a graph. My graphs seem to be coming out very compact and not very user friendly. I would like to find out how to stretch the axis on my graphs so that they are more legible and appealing to the eye. Is there any documentation on this available?

Thank you

Audit Trail Graphs.PNG
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replied on March 3, 2018

There seems to be a discrepancy between the Audit Trail documentation and the Audit Trail reporting function. See the attached screen dumps from Audit Trail 10 documentation and the Audit Trail chart report. The documentation talks about missing Style options of 3D bar, 2D bar and these are not on the reporting tool. Please help!

Viewing Audit Report.jpg
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replied on March 7, 2018

Hello Sithembiso,


The 3D graph feature relied on a third party component which was unfortunately removed. The documentation should now be updated to reflect this change. 

To directly answer the question though, this 3D feature is no longer available in Audit Trail.



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replied on March 8, 2018

Hi Andrew,

That was really unfortunate. Two questions:

1. Is there any plan to have the 3D charts in future?

2. Can we implement Audit Trail 9.2.1 with LF 10.2.1?


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