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oracle workflow

asked on March 2, 2018 Show version history

We have been using a "Query Data" to Oracle for years. The workflows still work like a charm. I was creating a brand new workflow using the exact same setup and setting up a new "Query Data" activity times out. I can still test the activity in existing workflows but even in the existing workflow, when I click on the table name, it times out, even though the activity works fine.

Workflow 10.0

oracle setup.jpg
One of the Error Message Timeouts.jpg
oracle setup.jpg (83.25 KB)
workflow.jpg (62.46 KB)
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replied on March 2, 2018

Did you use the same Database OBDC dns or you create a new one.


it is maybe the setup of your obdc that is wrong


do you know if the service account that run the workflow service has right to read the oracle database you point to?

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replied on March 2, 2018

Yes, nothing has changed that I can think of. It has been working for years. Just recently I wanted to add the activity into another workflow, so I created it (instead of copying it from an old workflow). Found there was a problem. Then went and checked my old workflows that use the same activity.

And the activity produces results in the old workflows because it does populate the fields on the document templates. I can also do the "test query" without problem. It is very odd.

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replied on March 2, 2018

If I go to my ODBC panel and test, it does not time out.

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replied on March 2, 2018

Maybe you can try to specify a custom timeout


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replied on March 2, 2018

I tried that already, but it seems to bypass that.

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replied on March 2, 2018

Have you tested the query in the Oracle development tools? I know nothing about Oracle; it's my first step in troubleshooting queries in SQL Server. I run the query in SSMS, and make sure it's not doing something unexpected.

It sounds like you're connecting from Workflow, to Windows ODBC service, and then to Oracle. There's a default 30 second timeout buried somewhere in ODBC connections. 

Have you tried using Workflow's native connection to Oracle? There are two different options for direct connections.


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replied on March 5, 2018

No. I will ask our Oracle admin if that is something that can be done.


However, the query runs and produces a result. Our workflows still work. That is not the issue. We cannot create a new one using the same odbc connection. The odbc connection tests fine and connects fine. We can copy the activity to another workflow and it will work. But we cannot click to produce the view list in case we would like to choose a different view. That is what times out. The problem has been escalated to Laserfiche by our VAR for now.

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replied on March 5, 2018

In my personal opinion ODBC is terrible, and should be avoided at all costs. I've had experience with ODBC breaking when more than one process tries to use it at the same time. It shouldn't happen if the Workflow service is trying to use it from multiple workflows, but ODBC is unreliable. We only use ODBC when there is no direct access built into Laserfiche, like accessing data on AS/400's 

Using direct connections is recommended by Laserfiche instead of using ODBC. The documentation is here: Objects/Data Source Administrator.htm

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replied on March 2, 2018

Yes, nothing has changed that I can think of. It has been working for years. Just recently I wanted to add the activity into another workflow, so I created it (instead of copying it from an old workflow). Found there was a problem. Then went and checked my old workflows that use the same activity.

And the activity produces results in the old workflows because it does populate the fields on the document templates. I can also do the "test query" without problem. It is very odd.

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