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Changing which input fields inside Address Block are required

asked on February 27, 2018

I have noticed on the address block that when you make the address field required. It makes all inputs inside the address block required EXCEPT "Address Line 2" . 

What if one of our clients wanted everything required except "Country" was not a Requirement? Or any of the other fields not a requirement but others you want to be required.  How would I do this?

Any help with this would be appreciated. Thank you!

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replied on February 27, 2018

In Google Chrome if you right-click inside of the field, you can get the id of that particular field. Then you can do the following:

$( document ).ready(function() {
  $('#Field1_DSG5').removeAttr("required"); //Country is not requried
  $('#Field1_DSG1').attr("required", true); //Address Line 2 is requried
}); //etc.


address.png (10.07 KB)
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replied on February 27, 2018

I will give this a try. Makes sense. Thank You so much for your quick response!

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replied on February 27, 2018

This worked great! Thanks again! 

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replied on February 27, 2018

Now this is NOT working after I have added the fields into a new collection I created and put the fields into.


So far for me this only works if the field is not inside a collection to where  for example the id="Field29"


If I add it into a collection it then changes it to "Field29(1)" . This is what it shows when I click on inspect in Chrome. 


<input type="text" id="Field29(1)" name="Field29(1)" aria-labelledby="Field29(1)" class="number cf-medium" maxlength="4000" vo="e" decimal-disabled="true" separator-disabled="false" data-parsley-valid-format="number" data-parsley-id="25">



Following is not working:


$( document ).ready(function() {
  $('#Field29(1)').attr("required", true); 


If I move it outside of collection and the id has no (1) it works fine. 


I really would like this to work with inside a collection. 


Thank you,





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replied on February 27, 2018 Show version history

This should get you closer. 

Also, set the CSS value of the address to "address"

$( document ).ready(function() {
  setTimeout(chkCol, 1);

  $(document).on('click', '.cf-collection-append, cf-collection-delete', chkCol);
  function chkCol() {
  var i = 0;
    $('.address').each(function(index) {
      $('#Field29\\(' + i + '\\)_DSG5').removeAttr("required"); //Country is not requried
      $('#Field29\\(' + i + '\\)_DSG1').attr("required", true); //Address Line 2 is requried



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