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Excluding Inline image attachments in emails

asked on February 21, 2018


When importing emails from Outlook using the LF Office Integration, inline images such as company logos in signatures and social media icons are classed as attachments so in many cases we end up with "junk" files which are largely tiny images named image001.jpg, image002,jpg etc. 

Is there no way to determine through the Outlook API, or whatever interface is being used, to distinguish between inline images (i.e. those that appear within the body of the email) to those which are actual attachments? I can remember using an SDK years ago that would alllow us to query if an image was inline or not and make a decision not to save it. 

We're seeing that many client are seeing folders full of these junk images so wondered if anything could be done in a future release. 





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replied on February 21, 2018

I just tested this using the "Save to Laserfiche" button in Outlook. In the Import and New Document dialog, you should be able to choose '"Separate Document" or not in the "Attachments" tab. If you leave it unchecked (which should be the default), it won't import the inline image as a separate document.

If that's not the default, you may want to check that the trustee attribute [Settings]MsgImp_ShowEmbeddedAttachments is set to False for the Everyone group.

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replied on February 21, 2018

Thanks Leif - I appreciate we can turn off that setting per email, or batch of emails, but we'd rather they didn't appear as attachments in the first place as generally speaking we want to be able to include attachments by default, just not these inline image types of attachment. 

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replied on October 11, 2021

Hi @Laserfiche,

Just following up on this - we note that in the Email Archive tool there is a check-box for 'ignore inline attachments' which works perfectly:

Is it possible pelase to add this into the general Outlook options in the Web Client in a future release - preferably in the default Outlook settings in 'Management' so we can set it globally:



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