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Passing a collection of signatures through workflow to new forms

asked on February 16, 2018

We are trying to pass a collection of signatures from a form through a workflow and to a new form. When the signatures are outside the collection, this works fine, assuming the second form has the field set to Display Only. However, once the signatures are part of the collection, they do not show up on the second form, even if it's set to Display Only.

We are testing this with two basic forms and a workflow. The use case for this would be a parent filling out a form for multiple children. We do not want them to have to go through the process multiple times, but rather just add each child as part of a collection so that they only have to start one form.

Our beginning test form looks like this:

The workflow it connects to is the following:

And the secondary form that the workflow populates is:

We would like to be able to have the signatures display on the second form when coming from a collection, but this appears to only work when the signature fields are not in a collection.


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replied on July 31, 2018

This was fixed in Workflow 10.2.1.

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replied on February 27, 2018

Hi Shauna,

We have got the support case and confirmed that the issue was a Workflow side bug.

The workaround is to create a token in For Each Row and extract the current value from the collection token using indexing (%(RetrieveBusinessProcessVariables_Collection\Signature#[%(ForEachRow_Iteration)]#))

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