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Feature Request: Scheduled Automatic Reports in Forms

asked on February 15, 2018

I would like to request a feature upgrade for Laserfiche Forms. It would be awesome if you could automatically generate reports on a recurring schedule. These report would run and ideally be sent out via email to selected recipients.


Currently all reports are done by pulling them on demand, we would like reports to be able to be pushed out.


Example: Currently we have a Property Visit Form that all of our managers fill out whenever they visit a customer's property. The managers are required to fill out one of these forms, each month for each one of their customers. At the start of each month I have to go in and filter the report for the previous month and run the report and then distribute it out. What I would like is for Forms to do is automatically and send this report out to me and my boss at the first of each month, for the previous months submissions.


Attached are some screenshots of our GPS tracking software and their scheduled reports automation user interface. Hope these help.


We are currently on Forms V10.2



1 Scheduled Reports Home.png
2 Edit Report.png
3 Frequency & Range.png
4 Recipients.png
4 Recipients.png (64.58 KB)
3 0


replied on February 21, 2018

Hi Travis,


Thank you very much for the detailed description of your use case and screenshots!


A good news for you is that our development team are currently working on the scheduled report feature and it is planned to be part of our 10.3.1 release. Our ETA for Forms 10.3.1 is end of March. 


We hope you find this information useful, please let us know if you have any questions. 

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