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Updating Document Metadata based on "Parent" folder

asked on February 14, 2018

I have something I can't quite get my mind to figure out.  I am still new to the Workflow stuff.  


Here is my situation.   I have a folder structure like this image.

THe Employee folder's contain metadata.  I want to be able to update files in the subfolders that need to have metadata corrected to match the other folders.  I figure I can maybe use the copy metadata option but how would I select the parent folder metadata and the file to use the copy command.

lf folders.PNG
lf folders.PNG (7.81 KB)
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replied on February 14, 2018 Show version history

See if this gives you a start for an idea.  Keep in my what I sketched out will check all the files in all the folders.  You could try to check to see if the metadata is the same first but that could get messy.  Plus it copies all the fields over.


Find all the folders under TEST first.  Then do a for each loop on the folders you found.  For each folder do another for each loop to search for document within each employee folder. Then copy the metadata.


If you are trying to only update certain fields, you would have to add a Retrieve Fields Values right inside the For Each Folder loop.  Then instead of the Copy Metadata activity, you would Assign Field Values by overwriting the existing values.



ForEachCopy.jpg (121.19 KB)
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replied on February 14, 2018

Thanks for the info.  I think it does give me a starting point I'll let you know.

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replied on February 16, 2018 Show version history

It seems like its just putting the final folders social on each file under each folder.  When watching it run if I watch the metadata it will become one social then change.  So it not leaving the file alone once its done.

I am using the 2nd method as I only want the social copied over.



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replied on February 16, 2018

It sounds like you might be pointing to the wrong entry in your document loop.  Look at your assign fields activity and see what entry you are changing.

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replied on February 16, 2018

My assign field values is pointed to (For Each Entry::Current Entry)  Is that not correct. I tried based of the search repository First Result and it still seems to doing the same thing.

Here is what I have thanks for the help. 

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replied on February 16, 2018

Couple of things I see.  In your search repository you should have your Lookin set to a token.  It should look something like LF:LookIn=”%(For Each Folder Current Value Full Path)” otherwise you are finding all the document in all the folders instead of just in the current folder.  The way you have it set up now all documents under the TEST folder would be getting changed on every iteration.


Also I don’t know if this is an old screen shot or a newer one but in the Assign fields it needs to go back to Entry: For Each Entry Current Value not the first search result.



ForEachLoops.jpg (82.44 KB)
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