I have a forms process where the user fills out some fields and then dependent on what they need to do, they will select one of three radio buttons.
The buttons are, Send to Workshop Services, Route for Additional Approval, and Cancel.
If the submitter selects the "Route for Additional Approval", the forms process will route the current submitted form back to whover needs to do the additional approval.
Where the problem lies is that, after the submitter has selected and of the afforementioned radio buttons, the person who gets assigned the form after, still see's the radio button that has been selected. ( I have attached a screen shot depicting the three radio buttons and what it looks like after the form has been sumbitted and the next user see's it).
We don't want the radio buttons to retain the selection from the original form submittal as it confuses end users.
Is there a way to clear out the radio button selections after submittal so the next person doesn't see them?