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Forms: How to repeat use of the same metadata field

asked on February 7, 2018 Show version history

I have a Form template with a metadata field "Text".  The form this template is attached to has two distinct areas where text is entered.  I need to capture this text into two separate metadata fields.  What I have set up now is:

"Commencement" template - has one metadata field labeled "Text"


Here is my form and the two areas that text can go into:


When this form files to the Repository, I need each chunk of text to be separate so I can pull the data to insert into another file.

When I view a text instance of the form submission in the Repository, I see this in the metadata:


My question is: how do I get the text from the second text area to populate the 2nd “TEXT” box (empty box, above)?

I thought I could add the TEXT field twice in the Configure Fields area of Forms – but it isn’t an option.  I’ve tried adding both field variables in the “TEXT” field but then I just get all the text in one box.  Is there some sort of separator that would force some of the text into the 2nd “TEXT” metadata box in the Repository?  Or am I approaching this the wrong way?  My ultimate goal is for the metadata in the Repository to reflect something like this:


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replied on February 7, 2018

Hi Jane,


I don't really know how you could do this, but I can give you another way (in my mind more simple).

Why dont just create another field TEXT 2 under your Template (metadata) then attach Form_TEXT 1 to Template_TEXT 1 and Form_TEXT 2 to Template_TEXT 2?


I will still try to find what you ask.

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replied on February 9, 2018

I think I'm going to tell my manager to just go with this option.  She felt it would be better to have just one field coming in and break apart the responses on the back end, but it seems the easiest solution is to have a second designated text field, as you suggest.  

Thanks for your help and suggestions!

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replied on February 7, 2018

What you are wanting to do is add the second text value as a second value to a multi-value field (that's a lot of values). Forms does not have a built in way of doing that currently. You would need to hand the data off to workflow and have workflow add it as a second value in the field. Another option is to add a second Text field and just assign it to that field.

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replied on February 7, 2018

Here is my workflow so far:


What workflow tool would I use to achieve "have workflow add it as a second value in the field" goal? 

Would I put both values in the metadata field to start with, i.e. like this:

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replied on February 8, 2018

No, your screenshot is from Forms which does not support putting multiple variables into a multi-value Laserfiche field. You will have to use Workflow for it like Blake said.

You would use Retrieve Business Process Variables to get the values from Forms, then Assign Fields to set them on the document Forms created.

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