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Workflow to automatically convert files into Tiff

asked on January 26, 2018 Show version history


We have a LF folder that I want to be able to convert email, excel, pdf and word documents into tiff files automatically so that they can be merged together. This would be done when the user drops the file in the folder. Is there a way to do this in workflow?


Thank you,



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replied on January 26, 2018

Hi Jennier,

I've written a workflow activity for merging PDFs and for converting PDFs to TIFFs.

This software could convert PDFs and other formats:

How are the Word and PFDs being created? Do they arrive by email or are they created internally?


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replied on January 26, 2018

Thank you so much Ben for replying.  Basically the Word, JPEG's and PDF's are being created by our clients and emailed to us.  From there we tried using Snapshot however it didn't really work out for us.  I would like to end user just to be able to take the email and attachments and drop them into a folder that would convert them into Tiffs.  

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replied on January 26, 2018

Ben, I am also quite anxious to have a tool like this.  It is my understanding that Quick Fields can be set to watch folders and do this on a schedule, but I haven't managed to get this set up right yet.  QUESTION:  How would this tool of yours compare to using the QF tool on a schedule?  Are there plus's and minus's to both options?  What would those be? 


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replied on January 26, 2018 Show version history

I thought QF could only convert PDFs.

Pros and Cons:

The tool of mine, is a workflow actifity can be added to any workflow and doesn't require a QF or QF Agent license. Mine is designed to take a mix of PDFs and TIFFs and merge them into a single TIFF. The tool could be re-written in Workflow SDK, I wrote it as an activity to make it easier for support staff and customers to use.

QF: However, if you already have QF and Agent, then you have an existing solution that just requires a bit of configuration. Getting QF to merge pages would likely require some additional SDK (within QF) or the Move Pages activity in WF. Having said that, with enough SDK, why not write the whole process in workflow anyway.


I think adding the ability of converting more file types to my sotware will really set it apart. Perhaps I should!

replied on January 26, 2018

I thought QF could only convert PDFs.

Pros and Cons:

The tool of mine, is a workflow actifity can be added to any workflow and doesn't require a QF or QF Agent license. Mine is designed to take a mix of PDFs and TIFFs and merge them into a single TIFF. The tool could be re-written in Workflow SDK, I wrote it as an activity to make it easier for support staff and customers to use.

QF: However, if you already have QF and Agent, then you have an existing solution that just requires a bit of configuration. Getting QF to merge pages would likely require some additional SDK (within QF) or the Move Pages activity in WF. Having said that, with enough SDK, why not write the whole process in workflow anyway.


I think adding the ability of converting more file types to my sotware will really set it apart. Perhaps I should!

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replied on January 29, 2018

I like the idea of being able to get workflow to do it all. 

What I need is workflow watching the incoming forms processes and being tasked to combine any applications and supporting documents that are uploaded at time of submission so that they are together as one document.

We can't achieve that right now because the uploads are usually word documents.

I have my workflow set up and working, but it terminates when it comes across any uploads that are not tiff documents (which is most of the time!).

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replied on January 29, 2018

Additional Note regarding your comment "I thought QF could only convert PDFs".  Well, I guess that's why I haven't been able to get it to work yet!

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replied on January 29, 2018

I was hoping someone from Laserfiche would have chimed in to say that I was wrong and you were right :)

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replied on November 5, 2020

Can you share your workflow activity?

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replied on November 5, 2020

Hi Jim:

Not sure if you were requesting Ben Birns workflow, but I now have workflow converting our pdfs into tiffs so that we can have the attachments combined into the main form submission that saves into the LF repository as a tiff.  Unfortunately, it required purchasing a Third Party tool to do it.  The TP tool (Noscotek Workflow Custom Activity Bundle) is an additional set of workflow activities and the one I use for this is called "Generate Pages".

So, I have a workflow that is just this Generate Pages activity and it activates every time a new entry is created within my incoming forms folders where the name of the entry starts with ATTACHMENT.  It generates the LF images on each attachment.  

Another workflow (or, a set of workflows) are also watching these incoming forms and they activate on the main forms that have templates attached (all attachments are set to go in without ttemplates).  I call these my forms filing workflows.  These main filing workflows are activated, check for attachments, combine the images if any are found, delete any remaining portions (the pdfs) and file the forms into their targeted folders based on other criteria the workflows are set to look for.  

This is working very well for me at this time.

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replied on November 5, 2020

Thank you very much!  I will check it out.

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replied on November 5, 2020

Hi Jim,

Happy to share my workflow. It'll cost a little but because it relies on a toolkit from e-iceblue to do the heavy lifting. Once in place, it is executed through Workflow. I'm working on something else right now though, when do you need it by?


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replied on November 5, 2020

Wow.   e-iceblue is  pricey.  No hurry.

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replied on November 8, 2020

Hi Jim,

It's free is you only need to convert PDFs of three pages or fewer. The other option is you buy a Workflow plugin for us (or Noscotek). It'll be much cheaper than buying it yourself because we have an OEM-Developer license. 



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replied on November 9, 2020

Thanks Ben.  Our contracts are longer than 3 pages.  I am interested in finding out more about the plugin.

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replied on November 9, 2020

Jim, the Noscotek custom activities for workflow cost under $1000 after the US dollar exchange (I'm in Canada) and then there were setup costs for us as we do not have IT on staff.  There was a fair bit of work to get set up and then we had to be trained how to use the activities.

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