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Can I auto fill the signature?

asked on January 24, 2018

Hi all,


Can I auto fill the signature's field with a picture?

Actually, this is what I have.


And this is what I want

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replied on January 24, 2018


Each user can set an individual signature and it can be shown by default when a signature is required. When building the form, there's a radio button enabling this:

To set up the signature, go to the account name on the top right, then account:


And whenever asked for a signature, it will show up without being prompted like this:

Hope this helps!

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replied on January 24, 2018

Hi there,

What about auto-filling a signature using a base64 value that is looked up from the database?

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replied on January 25, 2018

Hi Ege Ersoz,


This is a good idea. Thank  you very much.


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replied on March 7, 2018

Hi Ege,


Could you please give me the table's name?


thanks in advance

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replied on March 7, 2018

Ok I found how to do. Thank you anyway.


First get your picture to 500x150px in png with alpha.


Then convert it to Base64 using this website


Clic on "</> show code" to get the code


Copy the code "For use in <img> elements:"


Next, open your Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and go to your Database Form (mine is called LFForm).



Go to "dbo.cf_users" to get your "user_id"



Then, go to "dbo.cf_user_profile" to edit it.


Find your "user_id"



Change the "data_url" and "thumbnail_data_url" ; paste the previous code generated by the website



Save and close MSSQL Management Studio.


Check your signature on LFForm


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replied on November 14, 2018

@Olivier this is awesome, thank you!

I used your approach and created a Laserfiche Form to allow users to modify their own with the upload feature (tested on development server).

The uploaded signature is saved to the Repository, Workflow exports it using the SDK script, converts the image content to Base64 then updates the database using the SID of the form submitter.

Great post. This should really become a new feature though!

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replied on November 14, 2018

Nice Job!

I didn't think to make a form for that.

I scan myself the signatures for each user at my office XD


Could you please share your sdk? Or better, your workflow?

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replied on January 30, 2019

Hey, sorry for the late reply I missed this one!

I've attached the Workflow. You'll need to change the .TXT extension to .WFX though as it won't let me upload the Workflow file.

Just change the references for the export path in the SDK script, the SQL datasources and search activity to find the attachment saved from Forms. My VB.NET isn't great but it I hope it helps (...and makes sense!)


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replied on January 24, 2018 Show version history

Hi Karina,


thank you for your return.


It's working


Is it possible to upload a picture (a scan for exemple) ?

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