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weblink text field search indexed

asked on January 18, 2018

When searching an indexed text field in weblink forms, it searches as if in quotes. For instance, when I search for 750 Kingsway, nothing comes up (because the field is actually Kingsway 750). Is there any way to make it so that the search doesn't have to be this way (i.e., I can search 750 Kingsway and Kingsway 750 will come up)?


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replied on January 19, 2018

Hi Robyn,

I suggest indexing these fields.

As u see in the picture below:

  1. I indexed the field EMAIL - SUBJECT
  2. I created a document (New Document) and set the value of the EMAIL - SUBJECT to "henry kozhaya hello test"
  3. I searched for "kozhaya henry" and got results.

Good luck.

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replied on January 19, 2018 Show version history

I meant to say: it is already indexed. If the behaviour is not as it should be, I can put in a support case; however, I see you're using weblink, whereas for me, I'm using weblink forms. I think there must be some additional options I must need to choose? There are what my settings are currently:


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replied on April 1, 2021

This is still a question for me if anyone in the LF-sphere has an answer

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