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Utility to list Laserfiche products and versions

asked on January 18, 2018

When we perform upgrades we do an assessment to see what version of each Laserfiche product the customer currently has, to vet out any potential issues with OS, software, migrations, etc.  Some of the products are easy to find the exact version, while others require more digging. 

During the installation process, the installer will list the application version.  (See image below).  Would it be possible to get the developers to create a utility that would report back all the Laserfiche products and versions listed on the local machine?  It would make it much easier for us during upgrades /installs.  And it could actually help LF support when they are requesting exact versions of applications. 



Thank you,


1 0


replied on October 28, 2020


We have received a request from one of our customers asking for this as well. She has asked if this functionality could be added to the Admin Console. I think this could be very helpful for all the reasons Frankie mentioned.

Thank you,


1 0
replied on July 24 Show version history

Hello, any news about this Utility ?
Else, Hope this can help:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |
Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like "*Laserfiche*" }|
Select-Object | 
Sort -Property DisplayName | 
Export-Csv -path "e:\temp\$(get-date -f yyyyMMdd)-${env:COMPUTERNAME}_Laserfiche Installed Products.CSV" -NoTypeInformation


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replied on July 24

It looks like this will be a feature in Laserfiche 12

2 0
replied on July 24 Show version history

Yes! Laserfiche 12 will include a new system administration hub (the 'admin hub') that will list out all of your installed Laserfiche components and their version information, as well as the information about their installed environments and other system troubleshooting information such as a centralized log viewer. The idea is to be able to get all of this key information about your system from one location.

We are also potentially looking into providing a utility that can generate some of this information as an upgrade inventory or checklist for those not yet on version 12, to help with the upgrade process itself. More information to come on that when we have more to discuss. 

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