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Advanced search in Web Client, Doesn’t retain Search criteria when it displays the results.

asked on December 29, 2017

When I go into Web Client to build a search syntax, I add the criteria to the search via the Advanced search in the web client, but after hitting search it doesn’t retain the search criteria when it displays the results.  Am I missing something here? I was able to recreate this problem with a customer as well. 


You can recreate this problem using the following steps:

1. Do advanced search in web client

2. Select a template field that allows you to pick a date

3. Choose "in the past"  and pick any number (I chose last 7 days)

4. Hit search

5. scroll down and you will see it did not save my search criteria

12-14-17 no save criteria.PNG
advanced search.PNG
results.PNG (60.29 KB)
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replied on January 2, 2018

Thanks for pointing this out, we will look into fixing it in a future release (bug# 61821).

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replied on May 9, 2018

This has been fixed in Laserfiche 10.3.1.

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