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Can you revert to older versions of a workflow in laserfiche workflow designer?

asked on December 28, 2017



I've been working with a 3rd party vendor to update a workflow for an employee. However, this morning I was notified that the workflow no longer runs as intended and paperwork isn't being filed accordingly anymore. Is there a way to revert to previous versions of the form? I don't believe I have access to the administration console for workflow designer. 

However, if that is the step I have to take, I believe I can talk with someone to get access to that.



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replied on December 28, 2017

Hi Duane,

You can retrieve older versions but you will need access to the Workflow Admin Console.
In the console you can select your workflow and then View all the version history and restore an old version.


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replied on April 9, 2019

How do you get to the Workflow Definitions in the Console?


replied on August 29, 2022

We are doing some clean up.  Where are the workflow old files stored and do you have a best practices for removing or archiving them?

Thanks bunches!


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replied on August 29, 2022

There is no need to periodically (or ever) remove old workflow versions. They don't occupy any significant amount of space in the database.

The only way to remove older versions is through the dialog in Andrew's post above.

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replied on August 30, 2022

OK.  Thanks for confirming smiley  Have a great day and rest of the week!!  

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