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Update Word Document and Add to Existing LF Entry

asked on December 21, 2017


I am looking to update a word document in workflow and then add the newly updated Word Doc. to an existing file in the LF repository.  I seem to be unable to get this to work out.  Am I using the activity incorrectly? is that not possible? would i be better of just using a fillable PDF ?



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replied on December 21, 2017

I think I understand what you are trying to do Darren.   The problem is workflow allows you to create these wonderful Word/PDF documents but it will not generate pages on them.  (Why it won't has been discussed in length in a few other Answers post, without a real clear reason why) 
It's frustrating.  We have a few processes that automate start to end but grind to a halt right in the middle  because someone has to go into the repository and manually generate pages on some of the documents that are submitted as Forms attachments.

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replied on December 21, 2017

Hi Darren,

You will first need to create an entry, update your word doc and then attach the word doc (electronic file) to the entry you created.   You can then move the entry to your folder


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replied on December 21, 2017 Show version history

Hi Andrew,


Okay so I've done that, but the file is saved/created as a PDF, I am looking to add the pgs from the Update Word Doc to an existing LF File.

If I try a move pages workflow says the source doc (the PDF) contained no pages.  Also, i realize the fillable PDF I mentioned earlier will not likely be able to work in this scenario 

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replied on December 21, 2017

Pretty certain that you would first need to manually generate pages.  Workflow won't generate pages .. ( and that causes us a lot of grief ).

I don't know if you mean to save your word doc as a pdf or not, its an option on the activity (click on the cog wheel ).

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replied on December 21, 2017

Word/PDF format is not so much what i'm interested in, sorry about being unclear before. 

What I am aiming to do is update a word document with user specific information, and be able to add the newly created doc to the beginning of an existing LF Entry.

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replied on December 21, 2017

I think I understand what you are trying to do Darren.   The problem is workflow allows you to create these wonderful Word/PDF documents but it will not generate pages on them.  (Why it won't has been discussed in length in a few other Answers post, without a real clear reason why) 
It's frustrating.  We have a few processes that automate start to end but grind to a halt right in the middle  because someone has to go into the repository and manually generate pages on some of the documents that are submitted as Forms attachments.

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replied on December 22, 2017

Thanks Andrew, that's what I thought, but was just hoping I was missing something. Thanks for your help.

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